Back Ordered is a retailer's order for a product that is temporarily out of stock with the supplier.
An item is considered back ordered in our system when the following conditions apply:
It is reported as an active listing (in Amazon’s reports).
It has 0 fulfillable quantity.
It has any type of Inbound inventory (shipped, receiving, working).
It has an Earliest Availability date (The date Amazon expects the item will be available for purchase in their system.)
When an item is back-ordered, you can still win the buy box, however, the fair share % of the buy box is diminished due to the slower shipping time and availability of the item.
To compensate for this scenario, we offer three repricing phases:
- Repricer follows the current buy box price - The item price will follow the concurrent buy box price of the item within its price range. (The Default Behavior).
Reprice as Out of stock - We will price the item according to your account-level configuration for Repricing behavior when an Item goes Out Of Stock.
- Reprice Regularly - The algorithm will ignore the Back Ordered status and reprice as if it is in stock. Please note that it will most likely be at a lower price since there are fewer chances of winning the buy box while back-ordered.
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