Dependent pricing means that the Amazon listing will act as an anchor and we will reprice the Shopify listing according to the Amazon listing price.
You can decide what percentage difference you want your Shopify listing to present compared to your Amazon listing.
If you have listings that exist on Shopify and not on Amazon, you won't be able to reprice it using an Amazon Anchor listing, but you can always use the Fixed Price option for the Shopify listing.
* If you haven't created a storefront yet click here
Execute the following steps to Set up Dependent Repricing:
Once you created your Shopify storefront - select it in the right drop-down menu on your dashboard.
(Click here to read about how to set up repricing individually via the Slider)
- Click on the Data tab.
- Navigate to the Export sub-tab
- Select 'Inventory & Listings configuration’ under Type of File.
- Select 'All' under Fulfillment.
- Choose between Xlsx and CSV formats.
- Click Export Request:
Update Items Costs in the Inventory Tab
Update floor and ceiling price
Update Items Dependent Listings
Column U: Dependant Listing Storefront Name – Which Amazon storefront will the leading listing be in?
The storefront name is the name you see on your dashboard dropdown:
Dependent Listing ASIN – What is the Asin of the master’s listing?
Dependent Listing SKU - What is the SKU of the master’s listing?
Dependent Listing Fulfillment Channel - What is the fulfillment channel of the master’s listing?
Dependant Listing Price Change (%) – What is the % difference you want your Shopify listing to present compared to your Amazon listing (0% means the same price)
Update the Reprice Column with “Yes” for items you want us to start repricing.
Import the file back through the import tab
- Click on the Data Tab.
- Click on the Import Tab.
- Select 'Inventory & Listings configuration’ under Type of File.
- Click Browse and select your file.
- Click Upload.
Analyze and monitor your Shopify business using the dedicated dashboard and sales performance
Clicking on the Analytics tab which will lead you to the dashboard.
From there, you can click on a single item and the Product Slider will appear.
Setup dependent repricing individually via the Slider
Choose a listing and open the Slider
Under Price, select the dependent storefront
Click on "Suggest a reference listing for me" or search for a ASIN/SKU
Define the dependent listing price change %
- Click "Save"
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